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Best Daily Prayers





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Best Daily Prayers(圖1)-速報App

Go through your day peacefully and happy

Many books advise people on what to pray about during the day and give very many situations. Why do you at one time of the day feel so worthless and unhappy yet very many blessing have occurred in your life? You got shouted at during the day by your boss or even your teacher. Feeling sad is part of your daily downfalls and it is normal. How you treat and deal with the sadness is what matters between people. The good news to you is that prayer will help bring you back to your smiling self. Many prayers are given but let me analyze four prayers that will ensure you are back on the track of happiness.

Best Daily Prayers(圖2)-速報App

Daily prayer for confidence

Being downsized every time leaves your confidence in a hospital bed. You lose most of it because you were told that you won’t make it or you will not succeed. Closing your eyes in prayer each and every day depending on the situation will help you gain confidence. Just like you do practice when you want to sing to gain confidence, prayer does the same for you in normal circumstances when you require confidence. Just tell God you grant you courage and remove any fear.

Best Daily Prayers(圖3)-速報App

Daily prayer for a heavy heart

It is not every day you start your day feeling fresh and enthusiastic about it. You will have had a fight with your family or spouse or even your sibling and you feel so bad and down. Then a heavy heart treatment is saying a prayer to the Lord to save you from the pangs of a heavy heart. Even though it will not be a daily prayer, praying when you are down and asking God for a burden lift will return you to your normal self of being happy. Also, make a request for forgiveness of sins as a sign of surrender to God and also in case you never knew of any sins that you might have committed.

Best Daily Prayers(圖4)-速報App

Daily prayer on provision from God

This is probably the best daily prayer that anybody will pray. Anytime you want something many people will go down on their knees and pray and although it is a funny trait, it is still not a crime in the eyes of God. He will grant you what you ask for no matter how big it is. All you have to do is wait. So anytime you want something, make a prayer for the provision of what you need and God will grant you. Make it a daily prayer to ask for blessings during your daily activities.

Best Daily Prayers(圖5)-速報App

Take control of your mouth and words

The tongue is a very dangerous tool during your daily ordeals. It can bring you many blessings and at the same time, it can land you in big trouble if you use it unwisely. Therefore for your prayer to be the best daily prayer, make sure to ask God to be your guide and control whatever you speak because you will meet with very many people during your day.

Best Daily Prayers(圖6)-速報App

The best daily prayers occur when you ask God for something adoring his name and considering your situations. Depending on your situations, prayer requests will always be answered as long as you are humble in prayer. Don’t also forget to ask for guidance to avoid getting into sticky situations during the day.

Prayer works.

Best Daily Prayers(圖7)-速報App

Give God some of your time. He longs for your communion and fellowship. He wants us to come to Him. And He wants to be involved in the affairs of our lives.

If you are hurting, pray. If you are sick, pray, if you are sad, pray. If you are lonely, pray. If your heart is broken, pray.

Best Daily Prayers(圖8)-速報App

With this application, you will have different prayers for each day of the year. You will find everyday prayers from January to December. Download this application now and start praying effectively.

God bless you!